Head on: how Victorian nurses and midwives confronted COVID is a hardcover book and companion website published by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch). The stories are in the nurses’ and midwives’ own words and describe their personal and professional fears, challenges, and triumphs. Curated and edited by Jessie Byrne and Yvonne Kelley and designed by Multiple Studio, the book and website capture forever the courage, creativity and commitment of Victorian nurses and midwives as they confronted the COVID-19 pandemic and found new and innovative ways to keep caring.

View the companion website at headon.anmfvic.asn.au.

ANMF (Vic Branch)

Publication Design
Website Design
Art Direction


Jessie Byrne (Editor)

Yvonne Kelley (Editor)


Finalist, Victorian Premier’s Design Awards 2023
Merit, AGDA Awards 2023

Photographer: Tahnee Jade
Photographer: David Caird
Photographer: David Caird
Photographer: Christopher Hopkins

“The stories in this book are at once haunting and inspirational. Haunting because the struggles, the pain, the loss and grief, the fear and anxiety are all too real and still too close. Yet inspirational because one cannot help but see the deep commitment to care, the dedication in the face of overwhelming circumstances, and the profoundly human responses to the devastating events that played out over months and then years.”

Professor Brett Sutton

Photographer: Daniel Pockett
Photographer: Luis Ascui